Application Overview

The Sample Items Website is a Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC web application that displays sample test question items.


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0


Project Architecture

The Sample Items Website project is composed of three layers: Web, Core, and Dal.

Web is the startup project and contains controllers, views, style, and other web dependencies. See the Dependencies section for more information.

Core provides business logic to Web via repositories. It also houses the business logic for the diagnosticAPI and model translations.

Dal provides data to the Core layer. All data is supplied by a “content package” which is a set of XML files that represent test question items. This XML is parsed into the immutable ItemDigest and ItemCard models, which are used throughout the application.

Other XML data is used, such as AccessibilityAccommodationConfigurations, ClaimConfigurations, and InteractionTypeConfigurations. These configure information such as order and labels for accessibility and interaction types.

Test is the test project for Sample Items Website. It contains unit tests and integration tests for each of the three aforementioned layers.