
Publish Docker to AWS

  1. Go to Amazon ECS
  2. Select Repositories
  3. Select a repository or create
  4. Select push Commands
  5. Follow the push Commands or follow:
    1. Go to the root directory containing Dockerfile
    2. Run aws ecr get-login --region us-west-2
    3. Run the docker login command
    4. Run docker build -t {repo-name}:{latest/dev/stage/prod} .
    5. Run docker tag {repo-name}:{latest/dev/stage/prod} {amazon-repo}:{latest/dev/stage/prod}
    6. Run docker push {amazon-repo}:{latest/dev/stage/prod}

Publish Docker to DockerHub

  1. Go to the root directory containing Dockerfile
  2. Run docker login
  3. Run docker build -t {repo-name}:{latest/dev/stage/prod} .
  4. Run docker push {repo-name}:{latest/dev/stage/prod}

Docker Commands

To update a docker image, please follow publish to Aws or DockerHub